CNCCookbook: Software and Information for Macihnists

Power Curve Adjustment

Whether you want to be more Conservative or more Aggressive, it's important to tell G-Wizard how to adjust your Spindle's Power Curve. When being conservative on small CNC machines, try the Weight-Adjusted Power Curve. For everything else, you'll just want to adjust power based on rpms.

Details on How to Adjust the Power Curve


Extra Credit:

The maximum spindle power limit controls how far G-Wizard can push a tool. Small tools may not be able to reach the limit. On small machines, larger tools may hit the limit often. Facemills and big Twist Drills are power-hungry tools. You can use the spindle power limit as a tool that forces G-Wizard to back down from the limit. Do your own spindle power derating by deliberately telling G-Wizard your spindle is less powerful and it will respect those limits.

Sometimes this can be useful to apply to specific situations where you need to be extra conservative due to chatter or other conditions. Adjusting the power is the closest thing available to directly adjusting cutting force, and is therefore a better tool than just dialing back rpm or feedrates.

De-rating is just one more tool available if you want to force G-Wizard to be more conservative.

Fine Tuning Menu

